It Is Must That I Have a Competent In English For Mathematics Education.
English for mathematics is one object ,that I must studied it.Because it is very important for future life .For a teacher English for mathematics can to communication with students .Many people thinking English language is very difficult .It is not true .English language is easy .To studied english we must optimist, we must have motivation to study English .We must believe English is easy.
Sometimes ,we hate something while it is good for you ,and perhaps you love it while it is a danger .Studied english is same with it .Perhaps we hate studied English while english is good for future life .so,we must always study english.
Something that must I have a competent in English for mathematics education is:
1. Studied English seriously.
2. Always study hard and try do better to English for mathematics.
3. Always do exercise and homework from my teacher .
4. Positive thinking,I can speak about mathematics in English language.So, I believe tomorrow if I a teacher I can speak english in classroom and I can communicate with my students in english language.
5. Have attitude for like English language
6. Try speaking English in daily life.
7. Using my curioscity for do something or seeking information in English.So, I have many knowledge about English for mathematics education.
8. Browsing internet for information about English for mathematics education.
9. Open Mr. Marsigit’s blog and open dictionary.
10. Often listen word or sentences in English while it is useful for mathematics education.For example:in object English for mathematics by Mr. Marsigit we listen video in English about mathematics education.If we often listen in English we can have habit to using English language.
11. Have motivation for studied English.
12. Always speaking in English ,so we can pronunciation about English for mathematics better and we have habit to speaking in english.for example: mean /mien/ ,limit /’limit/.straight line /streit lain/
13. Often reading a book,a newspaper,or a magazine while use engkish language.So we know vocabulary,grammar,sentences or stastement in English.Or we can reading Mr.Marsigit’ blog.
14. Often writing in English language, so we skill to writing in English.
15. Keep a spirit.
16. Keep smile.
Etti Khosyiah
Pend.Matematika NR 08