Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009

My Preparation In Participating Marsigit's Lesson of English II

Nowadays,English could be said as the second important language to be learned after Bahasa Indonesia.Mr Marsigit tell us to prepare English and now i am doing it.I start to read more english sentences.And i can say it helps so much.

How to communicate mathematics education in motivation.

There are many aspect to communicate in English.
For example:
  1. To hear.Usually we hear some conversation.
  2. To say
  3. To write.Write must combine your knowledge in vocabulary and grammar.
  4. To read.
  5. To translate/understand.To translate some text we can open the dictionary.
There are many branch of mathematics.
For example:
  1. is one of branch in mathematics
  2. Arithmatics.It tell about polynomial causative.
  3. Geometry.It tell about diagonal,shape.etc
  4. Calculus,kind of calculus:differential calculus and integral calculus
  5. Statistic,it tell about collect data ,mean ,median,modus,quartil,desil.etc

Mathematics education consist of:
  1. the teacher.He tell us about something and make statement.
  2. student.those who study in education places.
  3. the method
  4. classroom.A place where a lesson and explained a teacher.
  5. resources.It can from appreciation.
Anything to support the communicate English lesson in mathematics education is:
  1. motivation
  2. apperception
  3. compete
  4. indicators
  5. evaluation
  6. preparation
  7. lesson plan
  8. student worksheet
  9. discussion
  10. classical teaching
  11. paradigm
  12. theory
  13. constructivist
Student competence:
  1. write
  2. attitude
  3. knowledge
  4. experience
  5. skill

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