Jumat, 13 Maret 2009

Fact studied english

,Mathematics has an important in many aspects of life.Altough many people called mathematics as the most difficult.However ,all people should learn mathematics as a means to solve the problem daily.So ,master of mathematics is needed by every one since early.Therefor,learning mathematics should also be given to all people.This is because mathematics is a science which is the basic for knowledge-knowledge another.

mathematician divide mathematics include 4 type:
  1. mathematics formal-pure
  2. mathematics informal-pure
  3. mathematics formal-apply
  4. mathematics informal-apply

student will studied mathematics happily if they have motivation.
student study mathematics with many method,and with speed different.

According Ebbutt and Straker (1995):
Students will learn mathematics with pleasure if mempunyaiu motivation, the implications of this view of mathematics teachers in schools is that teachers need to do the following:
- Provide a fun activity
- Attention to their desire
- To build understanding through what they know
- Create a classroom atmosphere that stimulates learning and mendudukung
- Provide yangsesuai activities with the goal of learning
- Provide activities that are challenging
- Provide activities that give hope of success
- Appreciate the achievement of every student

Students learn mathematics differently and with different speeds as well. Each student needs the experience that is connected with the experience in the past and each student has a background of social-economic-cultural different. Therefore:
- Teachers need to strive knowing the advantages and disadvantages of the students.
- Plan activities that are appropriate to the level of student ability
- Develop students' knowledge and skills that he acquired both in school and at home.
- Plan and record progress using the student (assessment).

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